Welcome to the PBN Around the Horn. Here you’ll find news and notes from across Major League Baseball, your Pittsburgh Pirates, and around the Sports Now...
Tuesday, both MLB and MLBPA came to terms on a new set of rules, and if the owners ratify the rules next week, they will go...
One neat tidbit that came out after the whirlwind of CBA news dealt with an overseas tour MLB has planned. Much like the NBA and NFL,...
On Thursday MLB announced that the extra innings extra runner and that seven-inning doubleheaders will not return for the 2022 season, as part of the new...
The 2022 MLB postseason will be the first with a 12-team playoff, as the collective bargaining compromise between the players and ownership reached on Thursday will...
It has finally happened. What seemed nearly impossible at times has finally happened — MLB and the MLBA have agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement...
Monday night, several reports came out that both MLB and MLBPA had a meeting via zoom. During that zoom meeting, MLB gave an offer of a...
Over the weekend, some news came out of the meetings between MLB and MLBPA. Although the news isn’t as big as some hoped, some progress was...
It’s safe to say the pressure is on and the urgency is being felt between MLB and the MLBPA in their labor negotiations. After meeting for...
Well, some progress has been made regarding the labor dispute between the MLBPA and MLB. Both sides have come to an agreement on the playoff format....